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Back to Park City (External)
Welcome to Rose Space. There isn't going to be much to see here, but I promise to try and provide some amount of content, typically writing. I hope you enjoy whatever I find the time to put up here. I don't adhere to any sort of schedule, but I do try to update at least once or twice a month.
My name is Rosemary Vidalia Hawthorne, or just "Rose" if you'd prefer. I'm a girl living home during quarantine who just tries to pass the time by writing. Quarantine gives me a lot of time to think, so I figure I may as well write some of it down. Hopefully whatever I put here resonates with at least somebody who comes across this little corner of the internet. Right now, most of the links on this page don't really lead anywhere. I'll get around to fixing that in the future as I update this space, but I can't promise any sort of schedule.
2020-11-13 - Added the update log, new journal entry, updated front page, fixed journal directory not displaying correctly.
2020-11-10 - Capsule launch!
2020-09-21 - Wrote front page and journal directory.
Table of Contents
Journal (External)
Stories (Coming soon!) (External)
Reference (Coming soon!) (External)
Screenshots (Coming soon!) (External)
About Me (Coming soon!) (External)
Other Places
Project Gemini (External)
Someone who inspired me to start writing again (External)
My Unfinished Website (External)