040 - Cohost

Yeah, I've been absentee here for a while, haven't I? I guess I just bounced off the protocol. It was a nice little place to just kinda bang out some thoughts, at least.

Anywho, I've since started banging out my thoughts on Cohost, at (oh gosh what's the gemini syntax for a link again)
and if you want posts i actually put effort into,

Cohost is nice. It has images, for once. Images are nice. And its developers are actually paid to work on and moderate the project. That's a whole topic I could dedicate a lot to. Because I do have a lot of thoughts swirling around my head about what the future of the internet can, and should, work like. Cohost sure is one of the better websites, at least. Worker cooperative of queer people. Good stuff.

oh yeah i can also edit part way through a line without having to use wacky Vim commands. nice feature right there. because that paragraph up there is kind of a wreck. oh well. i guess it'll just have to be bad.

Cohost unfortunately does suffer from the pitfalls of being a feed-based website. i do find myself refreshing the homepage more than i should. but there's cool people on there. and i'm getting a ton of feedback and i've actually met quite a few nice people there! I think I've received maybe one or two emails from Gemini readers, and I know one of them just asked why I took my phlog down. (Answer: there was a bit of a scare with a certain stalker forum and I wanted to play it safe, especially considering I have this particularly bad habit of just blabbing out all my inner thoughts for the world to see. Hasn't bitten me yet, at least.)

So yeah. If you want more of me, check out my Cohost page. Because I really only have the post bandwidth for one website/protocol at a time, and right now, Cohost is it.