The Orange Website
Over the past few days (mostly due to a lapse in medication making it *very*
hard for me to focus on work properly. Thanks private insurance industry. :/)
I've been eyeing Hacker News. For the unacquainted, Hacker News is somewhat
like old old Reddit. Just a single page plus comments. It's mostly frequented
by programmer types, Silicon Vallery venture capitalists, etc. etc. 'Tis news.
For hackers.
Anywho, I noticed over the past few days that "procrastination" was a subject
that kept coming up, and people were talking a *lot* about the subject. So, what
the heck. I decided to throw my hat into the ring this morning and see what\
Evidently, what happened was 429,000+ hits, 124+ comments, 301 points (which is
decently good for HN standards) and several nice emails and even a Ko-Fi
donation. Heck yeah. (Maybe I should have pushed the ko-fi harder? Ah well.)
And GravisLizard's ADHD article, which I linked to and referenced, was posted
a few hours later and that was *just as*, if not *even more* successful! So
hah hah techbros *I* control the Hacker News meta now. ...kidding. :p
This marks now the third time I've been on the front page of Hacker News. Also
the most successful time, by far. (That said the Aqua and Ashes post got a lot
of positive buzz around it. Shame I never finished that, huh?) Honestly, I'm
not exactly relishing in my success. (okay i've been watching the comments
section like a hawk but shh.) I'm just glad that this *finally* reached a good
number of people. It's actually, genuinely helping people. And let me tell you,
that feels *gooood*.
I still need to write a new article. ..or I can just doodle/read the book I got
from the library/play Fallout NV. Those all sound more fun. Nothing against you
articles, but you're a lot of work.