Pubnix culture

I woke up this morning and I still had things to say so fine. Let's just get
this out of my system.

A bit of an aside but I tend to be *very* all-or-nothing when it comes to
motivation. Over the past week? or so I've been very VERY engaged in all this
small internet public unix system stuff. Much like how a few weeks ago I was
like super duper into drawing stuff. I have more words to say about this
subject but I won't say them here. Maybe I'll do two phlogs today.

Pubnixes. They've always kinda fascinated me, at least since I first heard
of Like, wow, a Linux box you can just *go* on. ...granted me circa
two or three years ago didn't really see the point because she could get a Linux
box anywhere. That said, past me also was a socially isolated shut-in who had
an extremely hard time emotionally connecting with anyone or anything. And now
that I've been getting mental health treatment it's like the polar opposite, I'm
basically *driven* by emotion. Which, let me clarify, *isn't bad at all*.

Getting on a tangent but there's this whole *thing* where Logic and Reason™ are
seen as the greatest assets to humanity while emotions are seen as irrational
and, uh, feminine. Ah, yes, that age-old sexism. Point is *holy heck I was
missing out*. Take your meds kiddos. Turns out caring about people is a very
nice feeling, much more so than installing Haiku for the 50th time in search
of some new thrill your computer can give you.

I swear this is all related to my point. :p I think a big reason I care a lot
about pubnixes and tilde servers and stuff *now* is *because* of the community
aspect of it. Past depressed me occasionally logged into a MUD telnet server
for the novelty for about 5 minutes, but now I'm actually interested in the
people. I'm starting this phlog because I really wanna try to entrench myself
in this dead protocol because *y'all seem nice*.

That said, when it comes to "small internet culture" as you'd have it, I feel
like I stand out a little. I use Discord for chatting because it just works™,
even if the privacy implications are a little horrifying. I don't have any
particular attachment to Linux or Unix besides it just kinda being the thing
everyone uses because it has the FOSS software. (I was eyeing Plan 9 for this
server for a little while before writing it off as waaaaaay beyond what i was
willing to deal with for what's effectively a glorified web host.) I'm not big
into camping or backpacking across Europe, although tbh that's mostly because
I'm in the middle of an undergraduate degree and also dealing with a lot of
stuff irl.

But I suppose none of that matters. Being different is cool. Fresh. ...yeah
actually was i even going to make a point when i started this? huh. guess not.